Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rid the World of It's Selfishness

Selfishness. Why does everyone today have this one thing on their mind always...themselves? Whatever happened to the world that use to always helped others out and treat others like you want to be treated. What happened to that kind of mentality? Today as unfortunate as it is we live in a society that is willing to throw you under the bus at any cost...this is sad fact of reality. I dislike having to be an eyeopener but sometimes people just need a huge reality check. I speak what I say in truth and I have come to this realization that apparently many are too blind to see. If you say you will do something then do it...if you want the world to be a better place then help improve it. Don't stand idly by while it goes to ruin. If you dislike what is happening be a change towards something new don't let other's rule you. I speak this honesty today so that those around me will open up their eyes and take off their rose colored glasses. I mean come on people how blinded by yourself can you truly be?! How blinded by lust and debauchery can one get to a point that they no longer understand the world as it is. As I sat here today speaking with my husband I came to the strong realization that no one in this world really has a true friend. I'll say it again no one has a true friend. Why do you think this is that we are all merely acquaintances? Is it because we care of no one more than ourselves? Or perhaps it is because you are all confused on the conception of what a true friend really is. Who knows. All I know is what I have to say needed to be said and that those around me may not like what I have to say but I can't sit idly by expecting change. I can't sit idly by and do nothing and want to see a difference when no action is taken. These are the thoughts running amuck in my mind today. Hope I shed some light on what today's world is really like.