Welcome Soul Searchers

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

People need to quit being Judgemental.

I'm so sick of every stupid person that says I am too young to have all that I have wrong with me medically! Don't you think I know that? Don't you think it doesn't upset me?! What is even more upsetting is the fact that I have to defend my own medical record........I DON'T WANT ALL THAT I HAVE WRONG WITH ME! IT ISN'T FAIR.......SO STOP TELLING ME I'M TOO YOUNG TO HAVE ALL OF THE CRAP THAT I HAVE WRONG WITH ME.....I ALREADY KNOW THIS!!! IT JUST ISN'T FAIR.......why would God let this happen? Why would he give me all this sickness.....I don't understand why I have to have so much pain and things always ending up wrong with me. For once I just want to be normal and happy and not in pain. I just want to have no more pain....I want this stupid kidney disease to go away. BUT GUESS WHAT it won't. I have it for life and now I have to watch every medication I take for all the other crap that is wrong so it won't mess up my kidneys more. The wonderful base doctors love to never check and make sure that I can even take the medication...they don't care. They all say the same thing "you are too young"....my future kids can have it...and that is if I can even have any b/c of the other medical stuff that is wrong with me. IT IS NOT FAIR AND I'M SO SICK OF PEOPLE TELLING ME I'M TOO YOUNG TO HAVE ANYTHING LIKE ALL THE CRAP I HAVE WRONG WITH ME. I KNOW. I'M NOT MAKING IT UP OR LYING. I WISH IT WERE AS SIMPLE AS OVER EXAGGERATION BUT IT ISN'T. IT IS FACTUAL. A very sad and unfortunate fact. One that upsets me every day. So when you want to sit and judge me remember that little fact. I have a lot of issues medically and I am not making it up. Please be decent enough people to understand that I wish it wasn't true..................but it is. I am so sick of worrying about what will happen every year that I age. So when you keep saying I'm so young...remember I am so young to have all this crap to deal with and it has made me very old at heart and it pains me to hear people judge me and say I'm lying. I just wish it was all a lie. I wish I didn't have any of this crap wrong with me. Everyday I wake up and pray I won't get a migraine. Everyday I wake up and pray that I can have a child of my own who won't have all this crap in their genes....so please everyone quit judging those that you don't know. Think about how someone might feel if they are young with any sort of thing wrong with them. It makes their life that much worse b/c they are young and have to deal with things like this. It isn't fair to me, it isn't fair to anyone.