Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Little pieces of me ♥

Irony at it's best: As a friend you are caring and willing to do anything for your friends. In pain and sickness you will help them because it is who you are. However, when the shoe is on the other foot there is no one to be found, excuses are made, lies are told, and in the end you are left with your God and your devoted other half. The nice thing to know is that it's all you need and even if one day that other half is gone your God will never be.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pain & Suffering

Sometime I often ponder what is the point that God would put us through pain and suffering. These times, especially as of late, I question His purpose behind it all. However, during these times I pray to Him and ask for His help. I give my all to Him and yet I feel suffering in such ways. Yet I know this is not from my God this is evil work. Yet he does put us through these trials and tribulations for a reason. I can't wait until I find out what all these sufferings I've gone through are for. I am a helper of many, I know this is my purpose, yet I'm not quite sure why yet. Frustrating at times but it is in these moments that my faith helps guide me. Just thought I'd share a bit. So those going through similar situations as I please don't despair. There is a reason behind all things. Reminder of a lifetime :) May God be with you all.