Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Until Heaven List

1.       Get Diploma

2.       Marry the man of my dreams

3.       Take a cooking class

4.       Buy a brand new car

5.       Photograph something epic

6.       Visit Ireland

7.       Get Married(remarried) in a Castle

8.       Get my Bachelor’s Degree

9.       Get my Master’s Degree

10.   Have kids/adopt kids

11.   Own my own practice

12.   Buy a house

13.   Take a pottery class

14.   Visit all the States

15.   Dress up just for my Husband even if I am not going anywhere

16.   Go to Paris

17.   Own a business

18.   Buy really nice jewelry

19.   Have a study in our house

20.   Donate to a charitable cause

21.   Volunteer for something I believe in

22.   Help others throughout life

23.   Give to those who need it more

24.   Invest in the youth because they are our future

25.   Be altruistic

26.   See the Holy Land

27.   Visit Australia

28.   Renovate Something

29.   Create something spectacular

30.   Write a book

31.   Get another dog

32.   Do something spontaneous

33.   Have someone throw me a surprise party

34.   Lay in a field and star at the stars

35.   Climb a mountain

36.   Go hiking

37.   Workout more

38.   Learn to ski and snowboard

39.   Change someone’s life

40.   Keep in touch with those you love

41.   Read the Bible front to back

42.   Sing in front of an audience

43.   Learn a new language

44.   Have family reunions

45.   Go to a High School Reunion

46.   Own a horse and a barn

47.   Get more involved in church

48.   Grow old with my husband

49.   Have a romantic getaway with no technology

50.   Get my concealed carry license

51.   Spoil my nieces, nephews, & future grandchildren

52.   Love full heartedly no matter what

53.   Do more things that frighten me

54.   Be in two places at once & photograph it

55.   Have a pen pal

56.   Appreciate the opposites in people from you

57.   Always learn about new technology

58.   Never forget about records

59.   Find the perfect little black dress

60.   Learn to dance ie. Ballroom and swing

61.   Always appreciate all the my Husband does for me and our family

62.   Chop down our own Christmas tree

63.   Have a library in our house

64.   Teach our children the importance of family and traditions

65.   Appreciate friendships that once were but are no longer & learn from that season

66.   Horseback ride again

67.   See Italy

68.   Wear heels more often

69.   Admit when I am wrong and fess up to being wrong as well as apologize

70.   Teach something

71.   Always learn to laugh even when times are rough

72.   Cook something time consuming

73.   Travel as much as possible before I die

74.   Pay off any and all debt

75.   Appreciate my parents more

76.   Save money for a rainy day

77.   Be more trusting of others

78.   Blog more

79.   Use my imagination more and teach others to do so as well

80.   Design my dream home with my Husband

81.   Build my own office

82.   Make memories with new things

83.   Have a formal dinner party

84.   Go to a ball

85.   Get a will made

86.   Meet someone important

87.   Conquer my perfectionism

88.   Help someone on the side of the road if stranded

89.   Enjoy life all the good as well as a lot of the more frequent bad

90.   Become more environmentally conscious

91.   Eat healthier

92.   Visit all the sites of the US

93.   Get a passport

94.   Change a tire

95.   Don’t get mad at others when they change

96.   Go on a Cruise

97.   Share my life experiences with someone, everything

98.   Write sweet notes to my Husband to let him know I am thinking of him often

99.   Push myself further every day

100.                        Be myself Always.