Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Inner Perspective: Look How Far We Have Come!

Since my husband and I took the leap into our life journey together through the military soooooo much has changed. In 5 short years we have lived various places, seen vast amounts of country, and achieved so much in our lives together. My hubby has finally started back going to school and I'm almost done with my BA in Psychology and Criminal Justice. We have acquired more family members, fur children, along the way with each move we've made. We each have gotten a new vehicles, something neither of us were planning on. We have met some great people and some not so greats. Gone to some amazing churches! It has been so easy to fall in love with each place we lived. With each move we are saddened but excited at the same time to see what next amazing thing will take place. It has been a journey and I'm so excited to see where we head next! 3 more years in WA then who knows!

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