Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thank God for Husbands :')

Overwhelming. The understatement of the last two weeks. Time has flown by at an endless speed never slowing down. Sleepless. Stressful and filled with an empty misery. I know that it happened for a reason but yet it still hurts. Painful and empty inside. My brain can't wrap myself around what is happening between life that is going on and where I've ended up, at a stopping standstill. I don't want to eat or sleep or when I do sleep I just want to sleep forever. Everything takes forever for me to accomplish and thought processes are quite difficult to complete. I've got too much on my plate entirely and not nearly enough people to support me through this time but the one light at the end of the tunnel is my amazing other half. He is supporting me. He is happy with the decisions I am making. Even though we are far apart he is making a very conscious effort to support me through this really hard point in my life. I am so thankful for the man that has stepped up to hold my hand. There are sooo many words that I could use to describe the many ways he has been there for me. I think that tonight we had one of the best conversations, understanding wise, that we have had in such a long time. I feel like he really understood how I felt and where I was coming from. I am so grateful God put him in my life :) I am also so glad that He is helping him understand where I'm coming from at such a trying time. For now this will be one of the last blogs for a lil bit until I get my bearings. I hope everyone else is having a blessed new year so far....

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