Welcome Soul Searchers

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Thank God For Idiot Drivers :)

To me driving is kind of like putting my mind on autopilot unless I am in a hurry of course :) Well on the way home from base tonight it was one of those kind of nights click...it's on okay yup the person in front of me is driving like an idiot but hey whatever I'm heading home. Someone was pulled off to the right with the blinker flashing right after a huge curve not very smart but we easily avoided them because it was late.  The thought flashed through my mind and probably the driver in front of me as well if they needed help. We each slowed down a little not quite going the speed limit. Then I checked back in the rear view a few times and saw they were back on the road nothing seemed wrong. I figured they must of pulled off to take a call since you can't drive and talk on the phone here. Even though it was probably the worst possible spot to do so...heading down the hill now five over the speed limit. My car got a little ahead of itself so I decided to slow down when WHAM out of nowhere I see a doe run in front of my car I slammed on the breaks and swerved to the right so I wouldn't hit her. Mysteriously enough the car passing almost at the exact same time missed her as well. My heart is still thudding in my chest. The thought of just a few seconds earlier or later and it could of ended badly. It is amazing to me how God works...those things that annoy us like "the idiot drivers" or that "evil red light" that made you late there is all a reason behind it. My mom said later "Your front end of your car would of been totaled" I continued to tell her "Mom that's what insurance is for and I don't care about my car any way I'm just glad that deer didn't die". I continued to thank God for not letting me or that other driver hit that deer. Not to mention I probably would have been a hot mess of tears for killing Bambi's mom! People have been severely injured from hitting deer or trying to miss them. Not to mention who wants to think about those poor little Bambi's in the woods all alone. At least I know that there is one tonight who has their momma :):) 

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