Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Revel in the Irresponsibility

There are always surprises when visiting the airport. I swear you think you know what will happen and bam it is different! I saw all the traffic when we came in and I was like oh man here we go...I'm going to get lost and it's going to take foreverrr to get checked in. Boy was I wrong! It was a breeze to check in and it only took maybe 5 minutes to go through security and all that jazz... Now I have to wait forever lol but eh you know if I would of been a little later it would of taken forever. Oh man I'm sooo excited to go home and see all my family and friends. Even if its just to be lazy while I am there I'll take it since hubs has left it has been nutssssss busy all the time with no chances to breath. I am going to take advantage of this time to relax and enjoy some me time! Thats right everyone I said me time...I'm going to be the irresponsible one for once and just kick back and not worry! Oh just the though of it is wonderful! Now when I say irresponsible I don't mean reckless just so everyone knows. :) Hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Years! :):) I'm going to go read my book and not a school book for once ohh the thought mhmmm I could revel in it!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dang you did good Kid

I went into this deployment with the mindset that it was going to be the worst time of my life. However, I have somehow managed to keep it all together. I have met some new people..went out with people I barely knew and just relaxed. It has been nice to venture out and explore my own. I once was asked if I disliked my own company because all the time I was wanting to be with people. The funny thing was that no I don't and to want to never be by yourself is quite silly especially if you enjoy your own company. That made me have a new outlook on things. This new perspective has been amazing I have done things that I normally wouldn't do and have been more busy these past weeks than I ever would of thought imaginable. The time has flown by and I'm content with things. Now don't get me wrong I do miss my husband dearly but I know that during this time I can develop my oneness. I can experience new things and take on the world in a new light.

I'm excited that I have this new way of viewing the world. It isn't all doom and gloom of being apart from my other half and best friend but yet something new that I have yet to experience. I am going to revel in this new part of my life and hopefully grow in ways I never thought I was able to as a person. I have been through really rough patches but I have made it through. Each patch is added to my giant quilt of my life and each one is unique in the obstacles I have had to overcome to achieve that patch. I can't wait to look back when I'm 80 and say "dang you did good kid".

Friday, December 9, 2011

Five Factor Model Results of Me!

This test is based on the idea that five main dimensions are necessary and sufficient for broadly describing human personality.
The Results!!!
The test that you have just taken is based on the Five Factor Model of personality. There is a broad consensus amongst personality theorists that this model, which describes five major 'domains' or traits, is the best current description of the structure of personality. The five major dimensions, and your scores on them, are described below. Try to interpret your results on the basis of the overall pattern, rather than just concentrating on particular scores.

Factor I : Extraversion (AKA Surgency)

This trait reflects preference for, and behavior in, social situations. People high in extraversion are energetic and seek out the company of others. Low scorers (introverts) tend to be more quiet and reserved. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (41) is relatively high.

Factor II : Agreeableness (AKA Friendliness)

This trait reflects how we tend to interact with others. People high in agreeableness tend to be trusting, friendly and cooperative. Low scorers tend to be more aggressive and less cooperative. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (30) is relatively high.

Factor III : Conscientiousness (AKA Will or Dependability)

This trait reflects how organized and persistent we are in pursuing our goals. High scorers are methodical, well organized and dutiful. Low scorers are less careful, less focussed and more likely to be distracted from tasks. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (39) is relatively high.

Factor IV : Neuroticism

This trait reflects the tendency to experience negative thoughts and feelings. High scorers are prone to insecurity and emotional distress. Low scorers tend to be more relaxed, less emotional and less prone to distress. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (23) is about average.

Factor V : Openness (AKA Culture or Intellect)

This trait reflects 'open-mindedness' and interest in culture. High scorers tend to be imaginative, creative, and to seek out cultural and educational experiences. Low scorers are more down-to-earth, less interested in art and more practical in nature. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (26) is about average.

Now I feel that this is quite accurate to who I am..I answered in complete honesty...If you want to take this test to you can at:

Monday, December 5, 2011


It is quite ironic when you have such a serene song playing on repeat in your head and you feel way less than serene. I feel quite awful today but I know it will eventually go away if I could ever go to sleep! I hope everyone is having a blissful day so far and I know that even though it is Monday it is no more awful than every other Monday and it is one step closer to Friday!! Can I get an ohhhh Yeeahhh? They say that the absolute truth is what you make of it. My absolute truth today is that although I feel like death this truth shall pass and I will not feel like death at a later point in time...internalizing these things and looking from the outsiders perspective is quite wonderful. My question I leave you with is what is your absolute truth about today?