Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Revel in the Irresponsibility

There are always surprises when visiting the airport. I swear you think you know what will happen and bam it is different! I saw all the traffic when we came in and I was like oh man here we go...I'm going to get lost and it's going to take foreverrr to get checked in. Boy was I wrong! It was a breeze to check in and it only took maybe 5 minutes to go through security and all that jazz... Now I have to wait forever lol but eh you know if I would of been a little later it would of taken forever. Oh man I'm sooo excited to go home and see all my family and friends. Even if its just to be lazy while I am there I'll take it since hubs has left it has been nutssssss busy all the time with no chances to breath. I am going to take advantage of this time to relax and enjoy some me time! Thats right everyone I said me time...I'm going to be the irresponsible one for once and just kick back and not worry! Oh just the though of it is wonderful! Now when I say irresponsible I don't mean reckless just so everyone knows. :) Hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Years! :):) I'm going to go read my book and not a school book for once ohh the thought mhmmm I could revel in it!

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