Welcome Soul Searchers

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Spread like wildfire, Donate for life, Invoke a Revolution of Caring

Some days are harder than others. Sometimes time stands still and I wonder how I will handle the inevitable...will I struggle or hold strong and true. It makes me angry to see others throw their lives away. Toss their health to the side like it isn't a gift. They put chemicals and all sorts of unhealthy things into this blessing that God has given them. They have children with no thought of those children's future, they care nothing of them only of themselves and their current pleasures. While others only hope of a blessing of a child in their lives. While others wait hooked up to machines for a hope of a life worth living not restrained by mechanical means. To be free of everything like those who throw their lives away. Yet there are a short few who care...these few care for those around them and make sacrifices so others may have a shot a what we would call "normal". They donate literally a part of themselves to help another with no care of gain. It pains my heart to see others throw their lives away. It pains my heart to see those who care so much be stretched so thing because they can only help but a few. If only everyone were to give what the don't need away of their bodies once they are gone what a world we would live in. Perhaps I am a bit bias, perhaps this is just me being a bit angry at the hand I've been dealt. Or just maybe it is me trying to be heard in a sea of selfishness. Just maybe it is my way to explain to the world how the other side feels to be hindered fearing the inevitable of what is to come. It is scary to see those around you so strong crumble under the weight of an illness. It is so hard to see those who you admire for their glorious ability to hold it all together have a hard time to cope with what they have been dealt. I wonder will people I know say this of me when it is my inevitable time to pray and hope I can make it through with a strong faith? Or will they say look at how she held it all together...look at how she made those around her aware. I hope that it is the latter. I hope that one day someone will be able to look at me through all the chaos and say she did it. She made those around her aware and it spread like wildfire. I want to invoke a revolution of caring to make those realize how precious your life is and how others are withering away. Make a stand and help those around you. Donate for life. 

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