Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Long dark road...

A woman driving lost in thought listening to the radio. She stopped at a red light waiting tediously for it to finally turn green as she drove towards home. Two cars in front, dragging to go, she wondered if they had been drinking. As she turned she saw a car. She heard it before she saw it, a Harley’s sweet purr, black and chromed out. It was gorgeous. Then she looked from the bike up. He was looking dead into her soul. His eyes pierced hers even from the distance between them. He was fair complected with blue eyes. How she knew they were blue she was unsure but certain. He had a sucker stick hanging out his mouth with blonde hair peeking out of his slick black helmet. It wasn't one of the dorky types of helmets either somehow he made it look cool. He was in blue jeans and boots with a black leather jacket on. His gaze followed hers as she drove by. She was instantly shocked back into reality as she drove past. Nothing but curiosity of who this man was lingered in her mind. She thought to herself I must write about him when I get home. The need to get him on paper and preserve his mysteriousness was imperative. It drove her all the way home and yet, while she sat in the garage after she parked the car she had to finish singing the song on the radio. Yet still she wrote about him the urgency it placed on her mind came before everything else. Who is he? Why did he have such a strong effect on me? Will I see him again?

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