Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Descriptive paragraph assignment I had to do it was fun!

5:16 a.m. the harassing tone of the alarm clock encompasses me. With the foul taste of sleep still on my tongue I roll over dreading to leave my 500-threat count heaven. Finally, urging myself out of my antique four-poster dream world to the scratchy welcome of the old worn beige carpet. Trying not to stub my toe, like usual, on my giant clubbed foot dresser I shuffle to get ready for my day. Meandering over to the cream vanity, which makes up the corner of my room I quickly put on my face as I try to decide which of the ten lotions I have to choose for the day, finally electing cherry blossom. Blowing a kiss to my sleeping other half, I try not to wake him, as I scoot out the door while it bids me a creaking adieu. 

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