Welcome Soul Searchers

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Starbucks Anonymous

You are on your way to work and the craving hits you like a ton of bricks. It seems to be calling to you. You will have time, right? Five minutes and you can be through there and get your double shots in no time! The cost not important, we all know you need it, and seriously you do not care if you fall under that stereotypical profile. Starbucks, your morning joy, the one thing that can wake you from being an a.m. zombie.
            Pulling up you look at the menu maybe you’ll get something different today but you already know you will get the same thing you always do. Cup of mocha with two double shots even though you want three you know you cannot afford it. Just thinking about it makes you wake from your autopilot mode. Man did they go up on the price, but really do you care? With your pocket book six bucks lighter, you are on your way with the overpriced, but quality coffee. Wondering to yourself why have I bought into this steep trend.
            Parking your car and heading into work the aroma hits you. Looking around, you notice that everyone has made their usual stop at Starbucks. Just like you, they think that they need that jolt of java to get them through all the meetings, car pools, and whatnot. In reality you all know you do not need it but man does everyone seem to think they do? You know that if someone at your job does not get his or her double shot for the day you had better steer clear because it will not be pretty. As the workday progresses you see some come back from lunch with their craving of caffeine in their left hand; that fresh brew that makes them functional.
            Chuckling to yourself, you notice you fall right into the same stereotype. Videos in your mind playing back all the things that you have seen and thought when you went into get that caffeine pick me up. The book nerds huddled in the corner getting their fix, students studying in a group trying to make it through their next exam, or business executives pushing against the space of time for sleep and work. All rolling into the one need or so they thought. I guess that is what makes Starbucks so successful. People thinking they need it.

            In a way, the purchaser is somewhat addicted to this new trend, buying into all the new rage of expensive coffee and stereotypes. Before you know it they will have a Starbucks Anonymous for those stuck on that caffeine fix the one thing that they think they need to survive and we all know they don’t really need it they just want it! It is like the feeling of hunger never being satisfied but instead it is a feeling of thirst for alertness and vitality.  This thirst is what drives people to buy more and more thinking that they will not survive without it. The legal addiction of caffeine that has been around for ages and ages but only now is it becoming a trending problem. 

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