Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jet Love.

As they fly overhead there is something uniquely comforting about their roar.
Everyday they are seen, yet not truly appreciated.
Their sound alludes to glory, freedom, and honor.
Children are quick to seek them out but often miss the concept of how sound travels and miss them entirely.
Yet as adults we do the same, our heads turn upwards almost always finding our mark.
Their never ending presence gives us hope and makes us feel safe.
There is a fascination about them that draws you in like a tiny child.
They exude joy when we see them at airshows or just about day to day.
Why though?
Well it is simple they are a sign of everything we stand for...
They are protection which make us feel safe...
They are boisterous which makes us intrigued...
They are life, liberty, & happiness...
Which makes us Americans.

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