Welcome Soul Searchers

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Devoted

No one ever said things would be easy this much we know. We know going into things that there will be hardships and there will be loneliness but you never truly know how hard and how lonely it can be. Who says we will not make it? Who says we will not be stronger for it? We know what we have to do and we work hard every day to make each second count. Be wary that there may come a time when your loved is gone or perhaps lost but do not forget that you knew in the beginning that this might happen. Make every laugh count and cherish those special times together because in the end all we have is today. We know not what tomorrow might bring but yet we still plan for our future. The question is who will it be in this future to make a life with? These are the thoughts of those lost on the sea of being a devoted military wife.

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