Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This is the Best time of my Life

He is my wondeful everything and these past few weeks have been amazing. Yes we really haven't done much but does it matter if you are doing a lot or a little? I'm sad to see it all end but I knew it would have to eventually. I couldn't ask for a better other half. I'm contemplating what I will do when he goes back haha. I think a lot of treadmill work and painting is going to be in order. Perhaps I shall go on a photography adventure or go exploring in Seattle the options are endless. This will be a time for me to work on me and for us to grow. These difficulties are what make us stronger and in the end we will be better off in more than one way. Lets just say I'm trying the whole glass half full perspective this go around...hope I can keep it all up! :)

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