Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fatal Web

Like a scorpion she attacks always ready for her fatal blow.

He quickly gets wrapped up in her tangled black widows web of sticky substances.

She is quick to strike and even quicker to bring you down.

She cares only of herself...

Her optimal goal of deceit and lies.

How is she so cunning...

So sneaky sweet?

Due to his inept ability to see...

Blinded by love and darkness, this is how she traps him.

She strikes quickly, he never sees it.

She strikes with a fierce force of a tidal wave....

Wiping everything and everyone out in one quick sweep.

Nothing compares to her darkness ever so sweet and wicked.

Nothing can bring her tangled webs of lies and venom to the bright beaming light.

Nobody can resist, she seems so kind...

But with a quickness you are gone.

One blinding gaze and you are hooked, on her fatal web of condemnation.

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