Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Car Good News and Oak Harbor Hillbillies

Who knew that selling a car private party seller would be so complicated!?! So good news is I might have a buyer for my car...more details to follow! I've decided that until hubs is back from his deployment I shall drive around the hillbilly looking truck..mhhhmmm why of course! I have to fit in don't I?! A few requirements to fit in around here are:
(Random Facts About Oak Harbor, WA)
  1. Must never wear makeup in public
  2. Never shave your face...yes ladies too hahaha
  3. Hair brush isn't in your vocabulary. What are these things you speak of I know not what this is!
  4. You must own a shirt with a bear on it with the words "Best US State Washington" no name brands please!
  5. Homeless people make more than working class by panhandling outside Walmart
  6. You choose to hitchhike when there are free buses on the island!
  7. You must believe it is far to drive to the other side of town even though it only takes 15 mins tops!
  8. If the light is red for more than 1 minute you must become disgruntled.

I shall keep you all posted on what is going on with the whole care buying dealio. One must first decide if car is sold before viewing perspective prospects of new cars hmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm thinking Volvo..or perhaps a Subaru....decisions decisions. Until next time my fun fan crew :)

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