Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Early AM Contemplations

It is funny how at certain points in your life time can fly by and then at others it can crawl by...this is so interesting, you can be busy or not at all and it can vary so drastically. It is amazing how you could be doing absolutely nothing but be with the ones you love and time will fly by but yet when you are apart the time goes by at snail speed. If only there was a way to control those snail times! I currently am going through the fly by time I have no idea where this past month has gone...I suppose it will start to slow up once the holidays past. We shall see I personally hope that this next year flys by so it can be next thanksgivign and christmas hahahaha! I hope everyone has the most amazing holiday season full of cheer and good times! I can't wait for our turkey day celebrations to celebrate with all our new friends we have made here and to help spread a little cheer for those whom can't go home for this holiday I know how hard it is for everyone to deal with being without your family on the holidays!

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