Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Journey

My life thus far has been a journey of unknown certainties. Every time you think you know what to expect and get settled in it only turns out to throw one loop after the next. This has constantly made me more and more aware of myself. I really thoroughly enjoy what I'm learning about myself. My studies have shown me the type of person I've changed into as well as more ways that I can better myself. I love what I'm doing in my life right now. I know that I can get through anything now. These facts are just that facts of me. I am certain I will finish my studies even if it puts me so far into debt that there is no return. There is a certainty now that I am doing what I was born to do. There is a certainty now that I will help many and a shower of bliss rains down and sooths any stresses of the days.

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