Welcome Soul Searchers

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Broken friendships litter our past struck down and left as scars on our souls

     It is sad to think that there are not true people in the world anymore. It is hard to believe that people think that someone would do something kind just merely to benefit themselves. It is sad to believe that they can't see someone as just doing a good deed and trying to be a nice person. Why do we all think the worst of people? We probably all think the worst of people when we are trying to figure them out...is it because we too were judged as if we were one of the worst people spoken of? No that is not why, we think this because there are so many people who have hurt us. Broken friendships litter our past struck down and left as scars on our soul.
     This reality is frightening. It is truly scary to know that we can't move onto true friendship with anyone due to what those in the past have done to us. We seem to think that we won't let those past relationships scar us like they do but we tend to always judge straight from the scar record book. It is like taking all your worst scores compiling them into one and using them as a basis to start from. When we shouldn't be doing this at all but the exact opposite. We should be compiling all our best scores and taking the topmost one and using it as a way to judge that starting point.
     Yet even using this method it can lead you astray right? Sometimes we think we just need to be wary and settle on middle of the road. Yet should we really? Should we just settle? It seems everyone else has, they don't hold anything up to any standards anymore not low nor high. They all just toss it where it may land and hope for the best. If something comes out of it great and if not who cares right? Well to go about life this way with friendships is the worst possible way to view it. You will only be let down and disappointed even if you thought you weren't holding them to any standards you still are subconsciously.
     We should all try and hold our future friend relationships to that higher standard. Don't necessarily settle if they don't add up but don't fold in your cards either. People need to realize that in order to be a great true friend they need to treat those around them as they want to be treated. I know that this a day old concept handed to most people by their mothers when they were little. Honestly though is it really that far from the truth? I know I personally want that one person who knows when you are down, sick, or just need a night out to de-stress. That person who is a caregiver to you as much as you are to them. The one who wants to help you just for the pure pleasure of making someone happy. Who doesn't expect anything from you or think that there is ploy behind every kind gesture.
     Perhaps there is a small ploy behind our actions but it is only the pure and simple act of us teaching others the art of true friendship. We mold people in our lives every second of every day. We hope for the best of the friendships we encounter. Even if they don't last remember that whatever does happen will leave a scar that someone else might have to face. Do you want to be apart of the lower or higher score record book? I personally would like to be the latter. So if you ever find yourself thinking why are they doing something this nice? Don't think it is because they want something from the person whom they are being nice to. Yet think of it as they are simply and purely being genuinely kind. Quite an odd concept I know but it is one to live by for those future record books. Don't scar those around you but set the bar.

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