Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1 of 60.....Pure Hysteria

So today was the first day that I officially started working out due to migraines all weekend and the calendar says to start on a Monday :) So I've decided I am extremely out of shape...all the months upon months of feeling dreadful have led to my lack of activity...so the warm up today well lets just say it was more of a workout for lil ole outta shape me! But hey you have to start somewhere right?! All I have to say is after the warm up and half way through the fit test I thought I was going to die. The doc told me today to not over do it b/c I am having some other health crappola going on so I decided the sound of my heart pounding through my chest about to explode was my hint to say that was enough for today. Eventually I will be built up enough to do more and more and eventually...hopefully soon lol...I will be able to finish the warm up and fit test hahahaha! I'm laughing at myself the whole time doing this absurdity b/c I spent it thinking what...why would you do this to yourself?! I'm hoping to see improvements though! My doc...and yes I said doc b/c this lady is a real live actual doctor and not a PA put me on new meds b/c apparently the old meds make me gain weight..wonderful right?! So I'm hoping these help and don't make me gain anymore...ehh we shall see...and doc said that she is going to do a ct scan on my head Thursday to figure out what is up with the astronomical amount of migraines I've been getting..which if that gets fixed I will be in a lot better mood and more likely to workout woo hoo...I'm so stoked...now lets see if I feel the same tomorrow when I wake up feeling like I got hit by the Titanic.

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