Welcome Soul Searchers

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

PKD and Mental Remedies

Sometimes things in life shouldn't be this hard. I hate being a complainer because I use to be one all the time until one day a good friend of mine opened my eyes. However, sometimes you just have to let it out. Like seriously should life be this hard...all the stress no wonder I have health issues. I just have no one to talk to who will ever understand exactly what I'm going through health wise. It isn't something that will just magically go away because I eat differently and it isn't something that I did to myself. I WAS BORN THIS WAY. As much as it sucks to say it I have accepted it and yes it really sucks having to deal with all the crap I have to deal with. No one can get it and if you say you do well guess what you don't because unless you have everything the exact same as I do then maybe just maybe you can. It really frustrates me that people want me to explain or I just try to because it is stressing me out and they treat me like some kind of freak. Or they just try to be ridiculously positive it is sickening. I can't do anything about it I am trying to do better but when you get so bogged down with just trying to keep yourself afloat and you don't get a chance for yourself it is so tiring. I don't believe anyone can really understand that but God and I truly try to do my best in every situation but sometimes it is just so hard.

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