Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Patiently Waiting

     Waiting it is an eternal thing you will have to do all your life. Yet still we do it even though every single one of us hates it with a seething passion. It is one of those inevitable things you have to deal with throughout your lifespan. Some of us take it with much patience while others nearly none I fear that I am the latter. We all try to deal with it and evolve our patience into something more manageable because in the end we wait for everything. Wait in traffic on our way to work. Getting a coffee. We wait for the one machine at the gym to open up so we can use it. We wait on hold...my biggest pet peeve. We wait in line at the gas station to fill up.
     No matter where you go in life chances are that you will be waiting to get there. The most favored place of waiting for the average every day American is the Airport. We arrive two hours early to wait in line to check in. We wait to check our bags. We wait in line to go through security scans. We get there early only to wait for our flight. I mean really this is the place that we pretty much are guaranteed to make ourselves wait the longest periods of time. Once we go through the chaos of waiting to get in the secure area we wait further for our plane to come. Most of us arrive entirely too early but we know that if we don't we will miss our flight in lieu of waiting to get through check ins and security checks.
     Why do we torture ourselves through this nonsense which most of us have such an extreme animosity towards? I suppose it is because it is inevitable. We know that no matter what in life we will have to wait most of the time. If you added up all the times you have waited in life imagine how many years you have spent doing so. For most of us its the one thing that draws us closer and closer to loosing our patience, eh hem..myself. However, we still deal with it and move on. If only all things in life that were inevitable were viewed as such. How much easier would we go through things if we knew it was something that was just as it was.
     If we all assumed all things were like waiting we would all still have a little less patience but maybe some underlying acceptance of what was going on. Of what exactly was to come because deep down we predict this ever looming waiting but we still seem to act as if it won't happen today. If only we all could view other things in this same light and when it happens maybe grow in our patience. I hope that if you are reading this you are understanding somewhat where I am coming from if not I'm sure you thought I was a rambling fool. However, here's to fools, rambles, and patiently waiting :)

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