Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Only 61lbs more to lose! haha...

So after a long 5 days straight of working out I decided to take last Thursday off and planned on starting back working out on Friday however I decided to have a few friends over since it was finally Friday...Saturday morning rolled around and I ended up walking a little over a mile and a half and biked like 1.3 miles...I'm still getting use to my medicine which has me feeling all kinds of funky..gotta love that right?! However, after the 5 days straight I had lost 9lb...I was shocked!!!! Epically excited and so proud of myself. I am not sure if I will lose it quite as quickly b/c once you hit 10lbs it kinda slows down after that. Hopefully that isn't the case...but even if it is I am feeling a little better mostly. Except today my kidneys were hurting really bad but I still ended up working out. I was able to exceed my previous reps and do ten more in a few areas...some still need a little building but eh if I keep at it I'm sure it will get better. I just am going to have to take this process slower than I thought b/c of all the health crappola going on. I get so tired so easily and dehydrated really quickly not sure why but I've gone through so much water its ridiculous! Any who I know this is prolly a very boring post but I am trying to hold myself accountable by posting since I said I would. Hopefully I can reach my weight goal one day of losing 70lbs getting back to my doctors reg weight for my height. I'm so sick of them calling me obese its not even funny. So I'm going to count it 10lbs at a time...so only about 61 more pounds left to lose woo hooo....wish me luck and prayers!!!  Thanks lovelies!

P.S.-Pray for my aunt's mom Maw Maw White she is having surgery tomorrow...Thank you everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers!! <3 You can do it, girl! eat a lot of green vegetables! They will help you lose weight, and provide you with all kinds of healthy goodness. :) I read that if burn 500 more calories a day than you eat, you will lose one pound. So you could lose a pound a day. That would require counting calories, which might suck, but it's something to keep in mind. I believe in you, and know you can do this!! :)
