Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dreams are ever frightening what do they mean?

My grandpa and I live together. There is a part of me that feels somewhat happy I suppose. The oddest thing is he is dead in real life but very much alive in this dream. He is the one taking care of me at the same time he is my caregiver but yet not because I am myself. We must of been living near an airport. I was looking outside to see what was going on there was chaos everywhere. Huge planes were just dropping out of the sky like flies spinning out of control and crashing. At first I just saw the one plane and that was it then I saw others. I rushed to wake up my grandfather because walking out of all the chaos and flames were this white robots that looked kind of like the ones of star wars. There were people with them too who held guns. I saw them coming toward our house and I ran towards my room. I grabbed my grandpa on the way and told him to grab all his guns which is odd because I'm pretty sure growing up he didn't have any. We got to my room and I used my 9mm on the human guy but of course it jammed. I continued to try and shoot him numerous times. Each time leading to a failed shot somehow. For some reason I knew there were more guns but I didn't use them I'm not sure why. Then something strange happened my grandpa was gone not from dying not from anything in particular he just wasn't in my dream anymore. I talked with the guy he seemed nice but on his back on his left shoulder he had this weird piece of something in him with digital numbers and a weird spike thing in the middle. I said something about it being the end of the world because he was marked or something strange like that. The place that was where we were living turned into a school somehow and the room we were in was a school. There were lots of characters all of which I have no idea of why I would dream of but mostly women. At first we all tried to elude them and came up unsuccessful. Then we tried to escape our confinement one girl even tried to sleep her way out of the situation with sleeping with that human guy. I tried to escape through the ceiling and they didn't get how I got up there. Each room of the school was slowly being captured I guess. There were huge strange slides everywhere with people being tossed down them. There was this massive very odd looking elephant multicolored and I believe it was like a fruit chew but massive and it ate the children. I was jumping on the railing of the stairs and sliding down as fast as possible the opposite direction of this giant elephant thing. He was going up and I was going down and I think he heard me because he was heading after me. I was really scared of said giant weird elephant. There was a little boy on the slide his parents were there which was odd since it was a school he was saying he didn't understand what was going on they said they would see him soon. Even though we all knew they wouldn't. A priest who was kind of like the principal was going around giving people his blood and bread blessing them. He was truly scared you could feel it emanating from him. They were on my heels at every second no matter where I turned to. I am not sure what happened after the priest it gets fuzzy but I was really frightened and then I woke up.

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