Welcome Soul Searchers

I hope to bring an interesting twist to everything you read and think about.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Normal" the Word of the Month

It is quite perplexing to me that a very slim number of people are actually true to themselves. What is even more perplexing is when someone actually genuinely surprises me. I suppose it is because it does not happen often. In times like those moments I truly love humanity. That rare moment that people just shock you to your core. I often wonder what it would be like if people were not so worried about their outward appearance but yet focused on their inner uniqueness. If everyone was their own person and quit trying to be someone they were not suppose to be how great it would be. I am quite sick of people being disingenuous and always trying to please people. I wonder why I do not fit in, in most situations, I am always the odd man out even in an even number. However, I am starting to embrace my inner uniqueness more and I think people are uncomfortable with this. No one can accept that I have no hidden agenda. I know it is a hard concept for people to wrap their heads around but it tis true. Relish. This is the word that comes to mind when I think of those rare few who shock me to my core. Embrace. Is what we all need to do...just grab hold of whatever it is you love doing and express yourself! Live. Quite worrying about what others think and live your life and love doing it your way not some way that some person thinks it should be done. Lately I have been hearing a lot of people speak about normal. Guess what guys?! Everyone's perception of normal is different it is all what you each perceive it to be which is vastly different. Societies standards often have a perception of what is right but guess what else....... They do not know what normal is either. Normal is what you think it should be! If you think it is normal to walk around singing everywhere you go then you would think people quite odd if they didn't do so as well. If you are quite and reserved and you hear people being bousterous and causing a ruckous you would find them far from normal. Who caressssssssssss. Do what you want to do. We only live once and some us will be leaving a lot sooner than some others so why not do what you love. Live today for you not for others. Embrace your own "Normal". Much love to all you "Normal" people! 

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